If you didn’t apply to pre-K, explore hundreds of programs available in Round 2 using Pre-K Finder or the Round 2 Program list. Apply one of three ways:
- Online via nyc.gov/prek
- Over the phone by calling 718-935-2067
- In person at a Family Welcome Center
If you already applied to pre-K, your offer letter will be sent on Thursday, April 20. Wait to see if your offer is right for your student, and if so, you can pre-register in person at the school with your student and the required documents by Tuesday, May 9. If you want to explore other choices, you can apply in Round 2. Remember–Round 2 is not first-come, first-served so there is plenty of time to apply in Round 2 after you get your offer.
Questions? Read the FAQs at nyc.gov/prek, call 718-935-2009, or email ESEnrollment@schools.nyc.gov.